Vehicles Used in Automobile Projects

Autosar is a standardized software architecture and platform for electronic control units (ECUs) in the automotive industry. This standard is designed to make automotive software development processes more effective and efficient. A number of tools are available to develop software in accordance with Autosar standards. Let’s introduce the most frequently used tools:

DaVinci Configurator:

It is a comprehensive tool for configuring and managing software modules that comply with Autosar standards. This tool offers the possibility to create software modules, set parameters and make configurations such as communication protocols used in automotive networks. It facilitates the process of creating and integrating standards-compliant, reusable software modules for developers. DaVinci Configurator is a central tool for configuring, validating and generating the ECU’s base software (BSW) and runtime environment (RTE).

Circle model of typical AUTOSAR projects. DaVinci Configurator is used in the ECU software integration phase.


Automatic parameterization of the BSW based on the OEM’s system and diagnostic definitions. Custom configuration user interfaces for all areas of BSW and RTE.

Easy integration of third-party modules. Verifying configuration with troubleshooting tips.

Workflow support for continuous integration of ECU software.

DaVinci Developer:

DaVinci Developer is a tool for architecting software components (SWCs) for ECUs.

Circle model of typical AUTOSAR projects. DaVinci Developer is used in the Application Software Development phase.

Graphically define SWCs with comprehensive layout functions.

Defining port interfaces and data types.

Ability to define port prototypes with service needs and communication specifications, such as initial values ​​and timeouts.

Compositions can be created.

Ease of connecting SWCs manually and automatically.

It is a tool used to manage software updates that comply with Autosar standards. vFlash provides a reliable way to deliver software updates to automotive electronic control units (ECUs) and can automate these updates. This allows vehicle manufacturers to quickly distribute updates and improve the performance and safety of vehicles.
vFlash is a very easy to use tool for programming ECUs via diagnostics (e.g. UDS). Thanks to the vFlash plug-in concept, vFlash can be used for all your projects. vFlash currently supports over 200 different flash features from over 100 tool manufacturers and is easily extensible.

General view of the flashing process in different communication protocols.

CANoe is a comprehensive software tool for the development, testing and analysis of individual ECUs and entire ECU networks in the automotive and various other industries. It supports network designers, development and test engineers throughout the entire development process, from planning to system-level testing.

One tool for all development and testing tasks.

Easy automatic testing.

Extensive possibilities for simulating and testing ECU diagnostics.

Ease of detecting and correcting error conditions early in the development process.

User-friendly graphical and text-based evaluation of results.

Analysis view.

CANalyzer is a powerful tool for optimizing software development processes in the automotive industry. It offers a comprehensive solution to automotive engineers with many features such as network design, protocol analysis, creating test scenarios, data recording and analysis. It plays a critical role in network design, simulation, analysis and testing. In this way, you can increase the reliability and performance of automotive systems and accelerate the product development process.


vTESTstudio is a test automation tool used in the automotive industry. This software is used to test electronic control units (ECUs) and other automotive systems. vTESTstudio provides an enhanced platform to create test cases, prepare test data, run tests and analyze results.

vTESTstudio is a powerful tool that enables test automation in the automotive industry. By automating testing processes, it increases the accuracy and reliability of systems and accelerates the software development process.


CANdelaStudio supports users in creating and editing a vehicle ECU diagnostic specification.

Once a diagnostic specification is created, it is used for the following processing steps, thereby increasing consistency throughout the entire diagnostic development process:

  • Application of diagnostic software
  • Automatic conformity tests of diagnostic software
  • Providing data for various diagnostic test devices in development, production and service garage
  • Starting point for test sequences and scripts on diagnostic testers in the production and service garage
  • Proven data exchange support:
  • Import from ODX (2.2, 2.0.1)
  • Import from AUTOSAR DEXT
  • Export to ODX (2.2, 2.1, 2.0.1)
  • Export to AUTOSAR DEXT
  • Transfer of diagnostic data to ODX and AUTOSAR DEXT Thanks to these features, CANdelaStudio makes the diagnostic development process more consistent, efficient and effective.

Graphical visualization of state dependencies of diagnostic services.

EB Tresos Studio:

EB tresos Studio allows you to configure, verify and create your ECU base software (BSW).

AR-GE Merkezi

Kayten Teknoloji Ürünleri San. ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti

Erciyes Teknopark Tekno-5 Binası No: 82 38039 Melikgazi/Kayseri

Telefon: 0850 466 20 07


Konumu Görüntüle

Türkiye Ofisi

Kızılırmak Mahallesi 1445.Caddesi No:25 1071 Plaza C Blok Kat 16 Daire 91, 06530 Çankaya/Ankara

Telefon: 0850 466 20 07

Konumu Görüntüle


Kayten GmbH

Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 5 D-71034

Böblingen / Almanya


Konumu Görüntüle


İşin Kapsamı

Otomatların Bluetooth aracılığı ile kontrol ve yönetimi sağlanmış, otomatlara kablosuz alışveriş özelliği kazandırıldı.


İşin Kapsamı

Otomotiv alanında kullanılmak üzere AUTOSAR 4.03 standardına uygun kayar
kapı modülü, NXP MCP5606 işlemcisiyle geliştirilmiş ve projenin tamamının unit testleri ASIL B standardında tarafımızca gerçekleştirildi.


İşin Kapsamı

Otomotiv alanında kullanmak üzere AUTOSAR 3.2 standartına uygun CAN sinyallerini üreten SENT (basınç) sensörünün simülatörü geliştirildi.



İşin Kapsamı

Infineon Tricore işlemcisi için, otomotiv sektöründe kullanılmak üzere AUTOSAR 4.03 standardına uygun elektrikli araç pil ünitesinin diyagnostik modülünün geliştirilmesi talep edildi.


İşin Kapsamı

NXP MPC5606 işlemcisi için otomotiv alanında kullanılacak yeni modelin
AUTOSAR 3.2 standardına uygun MCAL’ı geliştirildi ve diyagnostik modülü implemente edildi.


İşin Kapsamı

Otomotiv alanında kullanmak üzere AUTOSAR 3.2 standartına uygun yeni geliştirilen modelin CAN Ağ sinyallerinin yönlendirilmesi talep edildi.


İşin Kapsamı

Infineon XC2200 işlemcisi için AUTOSAR R20-11 standardına uygun complex
device driver (CDD) tasarımı ve test edilmesi talep edildi.

Over the past 15 years, Kayten Technology has enhanced its capacity through R&D investments and solidified its technological leadership. This has enabled it to pursue excellence with the brands it collaborates with.

Kayten Technology develops and tests high-security and high-performance software according to ASIL B, C, and D standards, ensuring excellence with industry giants.

Kayten Technology views projects as integral parts of the organization, building deep partnerships to enhance success and customer satisfaction.

Kayten Technology specializes in embedded systems development, with capabilities in product development and testing across various layers such as application software, basic software, HSM, and SCR.

Kayten Teknoloji, son 15 yılda Ar-Ge yatırımlarıyla kapasitesini artırmış ve teknolojik liderliğini pekiştirmiştir. Bu sayede iş birliği yaptığı markalarla mükemmeli hedefler.

Kayten Teknoloji, ASIL B, C, D standartlarına göre yüksek güvenlik ve performanslı yazılımlar geliştirir ve test eder, sektörün devleriyle kusursuzluk sağlar.

Kayten Teknoloji, projeleri kurumun bir parçası olarak görüp derin iş ortaklıkları kurarak başarı ve müşteri memnuniyetini artırır.

Kayten Teknoloji, gömülü sistemler geliştirme konusunda uzmanlaşmış olup, uygulama yazılımı, başlangıç yazılımı, HSM ve SCR gibi çeşitli katmanlarda ürün geliştirme ve test yeteneklerine sahiptir.