The primary purpose of KSP is to minimize the success rate and potential impact of possible cybersecurity attacks on customer platforms. For this purpose, it uses the internationally recognized x509-based certificate management and executes cryptographic processes for cybersecurity on the Kayten HSM product, presenting an innovative embedded system solution for cybersecurity. To secure services such as secure diagnostics and after-sales services, it enhances security by using open asymmetric data, instead of symmetric or private key distribution through traditional channels, utilizing public key infrastructure and x509 certificates. Its standout features include secure communication, secure event storage, secure time management, and synchronization mechanisms with other units. It also supports high-security operations such as cryptographic signature verification and cryptographic material storage.
Key Features of KSP
⦁ Use of x509-based asymmetric public key infrastructure
⦁ Authentication mechanism
⦁ Secure time management with preventative measures for backdated timestamps
⦁ Customizable certificate extensions
⦁ Short-term, unit-specific, and service-specific certificate usage and generation
⦁ Secure communication and secure distribution of communication keys
⦁ Secure storage of events
⦁ Key exchange mechanisms
⦁ Dual authorization to prevent “Man In the Middle” attacks
⦁ Compliance with Can Bus, CanTP
⦁ JTAG interface protection supported by HSM Core
⦁ Secure storage of certificates and cryptographic materials in the HSM core
⦁ Instant certificate generation
⦁ Support for encryption algorithms such as AES, hash, True Random Number, and CMAC according to customer needs
⦁ Synchronization mechanisms for collaboration with other units
Our innovative product is:
⦁ Developed with a domestic software infrastructure to meet the security needs of the country’s critical institutions. As a product developed and managed domestically, it emphasizes independence and security sensitivities.
⦁ Designed in compliance with internationally recognized security standards (e.g., FIPS 140-2, SHE HIS). It uses the latest cryptographic technologies to ensure the security of sensitive data and incorporates the latest protection mechanisms against malicious use.
⦁ Offered with Turkish documentation, which helps users understand the product more easily and configure it correctly. Turkish manuals and instructions ensure effective use of the product.
⦁ Supported by a domestic expert support team. Customers can receive prompt and effective support if they encounter any issues with the product. Customizable software according to customer needs extends the project’s application areas.
⦁ Allows for collaborative project development, ensuring the product fully meets the customer’s expectations by adding features to meet specific security needs and business requirements.
⦁ Flexible to accommodate various customer needs, offering customizable authorization policies and extensive configuration options.